Sunday, January 3, 2010

my sweety will never be a milk monster

I simply adore abby.. this picture was taken by my friend Jaimey at shes amazing.. So this past year we learned Abby was lactose intolerant. She can't have lactose, so we switched her formula to reduced lactose and all was good in the diaper department. The hard part is this kid lovvveess dairy lol. She can have cheese usually only mozza or cheddar and she can have yogurt that is made with skim milk. We make pancakes without milk and kraft dinner with no milk or lactaid milk. Good thing she loves broccoli to get her vitamin D intake up. The challege we face is her daycare and reminding them she can't have anything containing lactose.. they gave her ice cream one day lol. Its not a serious health issue her ped thinks she will grow out of it. My sister is lactose and so is wes brother and with me being native odds were against her lol.
She can never have Mac n Cheese when we eat out because they always have milk in it. Whens shes bigger she can have lactaid pills so she can have all the fun stuff which includes icing made with whip cream.. (she missed out on same cakes this year) Good thing shes fine with straight sugar icing lol.

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