So today is my last day at Sasakamoose Law office with Samson Cree Nation. My last day as an articling student. I have been here for one year. It has been a great year full of learning, laughing and growing. I work with some pretty amazing ppl that always make the day brighter. (I know they are blog stalking lol). Working in my community really makes a difference, my daughter gets to go to daycare with her cousin, I get to see my family on a regular basis. I get to help people in my community which is why I went to law school, that and to support my shopping habit. Its been quite a year. It is hard leaving behind a desk for awhile. What do i do next..
Well I get to go on mat leave, I get to relax, I get to BREATHE. I still teach classes on monday afternoon at the college until December and I still sit on 2 boards so that will keep my mind busy. And it will give Alice a chance to still go to daycare 1 or 2 times a week.
But now its time to get my mommy heart busy. Time to organize my home, do crafts with alice, watch more tree house, change more diapers, potty train, bottle wean, take mega pics of my daughters, go to playdates, go to gymboree, have coffee with great friends. Its time to slow down, my abby is already 2.5 months almost 3 and I need to be there for her and alice is going to be 2 and she needs me. The Law will always be there but this tiny age with 2 lil girls only comes around once.
In the new year will bring many changes, I will be a real live lawyer not just a 'student' anymore. My bar call ceremony will likely be in feb and then after that I will return to work either here or somewhere. The new year will bring new possibilities. But after many years of school and books I need to just take a step back and decide on where I want life to go next.